
1. Tribes

  • Players will be divided into two tribes.

  • These tribes will be chosen by the gamemaster.

  • These tribes will compete against each other in challenges.

  • The losing tribe of each challenge will attend Tribal Council, where they will vote out a member.

  • A tribe swap may occur at any point during the game to shake things up.

  • Eventually, the tribes will merge into one group when there are between 7 and 10 players remaining, where contestants will now compete in individual immunity challenges.


2. Challenges

  • Challenges will take place daily and will test a combination of physical, mental, and strategic skills.

  • Before the challenge takes place, each team will have the opportunity to ask questions; however, there may be some challenges where contestants will not have the opportunity to ask questions.

  • Pre-merge challenges will be tribe-based, with the winning tribe earning immunity and the losing tribe going to Tribal Council.

  • If tribes have uneven numbers, there may be instances where some players must sit out and cheer on their team.

  • Post-merge challenges will be individual immunity challenges, with the winner safe from elimination.

  • Some challenges may include puzzles, endurance, team coordination, balance, memory, or trivia.

  • In the event of a tie in a challenge, a tiebreaker will be determined by the gamemaster.

  • The gamemaster will oversee and ensure fairness in all challenges.

  • If a team is deemed to be cheating in the challenge by the gamemaster, they can be penalized in that challenge, or if the infraction is severe, they may be given a loss and sent to Tribal Council.


3. Tribal Council

  • Tribal Council can take place in person or via Google Meet.

  • If Tribal Council is taking place via Google Meet, contestants are REQUIRED to have their cameras on. If they do not, without a good reason, they will not be able to vote, and their vote will not count. However, they can still be voted out by the other contestants.

  • Regardless of format, players will cast their vote via a text message to the gamemaster.

  • Once your text message is sent, you CANNOT change your vote.

  • If the gamemaster sees that the message is edited, the vote will not count.

  • If you have a Hidden Immunity Idol or advantage, you can play it at any time during Tribal Council.

  • Just like Jeff Probst, the gamemaster will ask if anyone has any advantages or Hidden Immunity Idols and would like to play it—now would be the time to do so.

  • Once the gamemaster says, “I will read the votes,” NO advantages can be played.

  • Tiebreaker Rule: If there is a tie, everyone except the two tied players will revote.

  • If the revote also results in a tie, those two players are SAFE, and the remaining at-risk players will draw rocks to determine who goes home.

  • Any player who played an idol or has individual immunity is also safe.

  • If you still have an idol but did not play it before the tie, it is too late and CANNOT be used.

  • In-person tribals will actually be drawing rocks, while Google Meet tribals be done via a random name spinner.


4. Voted Out/Jury

  • If you are voted out, you will have a quick exit interview with the gamemaster.

  • If Tribal Council is held via Google Meet, you must stay on the call for a few extra minutes before leaving.

  • If you are voted out while holding an advantage, that advantage is eliminated from the game.

  • Once eliminated, you are expected to leave the team group chat and refrain from interfering in the game.

  • While there is nothing physically preventing you from being around the other players, we ask that you respect the integrity of the game and refrain from interfering once eliminated.

  • If you are eliminated at a stage in the game where you make the jury, you will still be invited to attend Tribal Council and the final two immunity challenges.

  • If you are on the jury, we ask that you do not interact with the players at Tribal Council.

  • If Tribal Council is held via Google Meet, jury members must join the call but remain muted with their cameras on.


5. Final Tribal Council & Winning the Game

  • The final remaining players will face the jury at Final Tribal Council.

  • Each finalist will have the opportunity to make their case for why they deserve to win.

  • Just like old-school Survivor, each jury member will have the chance to ask one question or make one statement—nothing more to the finalists.

  • After questioning, each jury member will cast a final vote for the winner.

  • The player with the most votes from the jury will be crowned the Sole Survivor.

  • If there is a tie between two players, the other finalist will cast the deciding vote to determine the winner.

  • If there is a tie between all three finalists, there will be a revote by the jury.

  • If the revote still results in a tie, a challenge will determine the winner of the game.


6. Absent Players

  • If a player misses a challenge, they will not receive any advantages or exemptions.

  • If a player misses Tribal Council, they cannot vote but can still be voted out.

  • If a player shows up late after the vote begins, they will NOT be able to vote.

  • If team members are in communication with the late player, a 3-minute grace period may be allowed at the gamemaster’s discretion.

  • If a jury member misses Final Tribal Council, they will lose their right to vote for the winner.

  • The gamemaster reserves the right to remove a player from the game if repeated absences disrupt the integrity of the competition.


7. Advantages

  • There may be advantages in this game, such as Hidden Immunity Idols.

  • If you find an advantage, you MUST text the gamemaster immediately and send a picture of the advantage as proof of possession.

  • The gamemaster will like your message to indicate they have seen it but will NOT verify whether or not the advantage is real.

  • The gamemaster MUST know who has the advantages at all times.

  • If you give the advantage to someone else, you MUST text in a group chat with the gamemaster and the recipient.

  • The gamemaster will like the message to verify they have seen the transfer.

  • If you are voted out with an advantage, that advantage is fully eliminated from the game.

  • The last Tribal Council where advantages can be played is when there are 5 players left in the game.

  • If Tribal Council is in person, you must have the advantage in your possession.

  • If Tribal Council is held via Google Meet, you must have the advantage in your possession and show it on camera.

  • Advantages can be played up until the gamemaster completes saying “I will read the votes” and starts reading the first vote.


8. Code of Conduct

  • This game is meant to be fun for all players.

  • Harassment or physical violence of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • If a player is deemed to be a risk to the safety of others, the gamemaster has the right to remove them from the game.